
Monday, April 25, 2011

When God decided to create an animal that might have the abilities and intellect needed to worship and serve God properly, to tend the Earth and all of its creatures, thus was created the human. God made one man and named him Adam, and one woman who was called Eve. God said unto them, I give you this garden called Eden for your home. It will supply you with everything you might need to live full and fruitful lives so that you may worship me well and serve me through the care of the Earth and all things living. God warned them, however, saying that "the Tree that grew in the center of the garden was sacred, and Adam and Eve must never eat the fruit that grew from the Tree. When Adam questioned why this must be, God answered, saying that the fruit of the tree would bring wisdom to them both, but that with this wisdom would come a heavy burden to bear"--that of free will and therefor great suffering. Not wanting to fall victim to this suffering of which God spoke, Adam and Eve agreed to never eat of the fruit of the Tree......

This story is saying about the origin of human race. How god has created human and what is the purpose of creating such an intelligent animal and what human were supposed to do and not to.

Actually in other book I found another view of this story which was really interesting. Saying regarding the practical approach of what the people are supposed to do.

Actually to understand this view, Imagine yourself as inverted apple tree as hair going down to earth as roots. All of our nerves would be branches of such a tree. All the leaves would be sensual organs such as ear, nose, tongue etc.. available to a human. Finally the fruits that god have mentioned are nothing but the "Senses of the Human". Such as vision, audibility, touch, taste etc,. Human were given right to enjoy all the fruits of the tree except the one at the center. What could be that fruit at center of garden. The fruit that was mentioned so was nothing but sex. It was given in hidden words in the book that humans should not take much pleasure from sex except for the reason to recreate other people.

But which is not followed by several people. If the inner meaning of any story of book is not understood or not explained in proper way, it could lead to a confusion and in few cases it is very much possible that few people could be misleading.

Atma Namasthe